Tuesday, September 21, 2010

21 weeks....

This was taken at dinner on Saturday night. I cannot believe how large I am getting. I know this is nothing compared to how large I will eventually become but the whole thing blows my mind. The doctor tells me I am gaining weight at the right rate, but each time I step on the scale it is a bit alarming. Oh well...when else in your life is it OK to gain 4 pounds in 1 month? Tomorrow we get to have a 3D sonogram and I am looking forward to it! We should have a good idea of what she is looking like as long as she cooperates with us and shows us her face.  I will post those pictures soon.

I am also still feeling great and have a ton of energy. I am told this is the "golden trimester" and to enjoy it since in the coming weeks I may not be as comfortable. I guess we will have to see how it all plays out. Really I have had an easy go of this whole pregnancy thing so far. I was never really sick, don't get heartburn (knock on wood since I am loving the spicy food these days!), and sleep pretty well aside from the vivid dreams and bathroom trips I inevitably take each night. I am very thankful for these blessings. I know for a lot of girls the road is not so smooth. I guess there is not much else to report for week 21. We are going to begin setting up the nursery soon and are pretty set on a name. More on all that later...

Nathalie and Baby M

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We love Colorado and thought this would be nice to look at...enjoy the view:)