Monday, March 15, 2010

The McClish Household Celebrates the Coming of Spring

To the rest of the world, spring is marked by budding trees, warming weather, and longer days. However, the McClish household prides itself in the untraditional. Therefore, each spring as other husbands trim their lawns, mine works on another type of landscaping......on his face. I have come to call it the annual Beard Transition Day. It is the one day Andrew takes his beard to a new and often scary place. Once he receives a reaction from his co-workers and our church Home Group, he is contented with shaving until November when he will re-grow his beard to begin the cycle once again. Each year he chooses a different "style" as doing the same shave each year would prove boring and predictable. He wears it with pride causing poor innocent bystanders (new people at small group, grocery store clerks, etc..) to question the seriousness of it all, and finds it particularly funny if they think he seriously chose the look for his face. Below are the pictures from the 2009 Transition Day. Here he chose to go with the "Pedismile" as it has come to be know because...well...I will let the pictures speak for themselves:

For the 2010 "Transition Day" there was much more mixed interpretation of the "look". Some suggestions were: Leprechaun, Civil War Soldier, and Elvis.
The picture quality is not so great, but I hope you are still able to appreciate the "chops" makes me laugh anyway.

Have a great day!



  1. Nathalie!! I am laughing out loud!!!

    First of all, the fact that you have a label that is titled "facial hair!"

    And the actual shave itself...priceless. Wish we could have seen it in person!

  2. Bahhhahhhhhahhh! :) SO funny!!! Thanks for posting, I am SO dumbed that we missed transition day this year, but at least we got to see it!



We love Colorado and thought this would be nice to look at...enjoy the view:)