Tuesday, January 25, 2011

39 Weeks...The final countdown

As much as I would love to already be holding my baby, today marks the 39th week of gestation. I have been trying to avoid the camera as much as humanly possible but Andrew talked me into taking this photo before we left for work this morning. He said I would appreciate having it later....I hope he is right.

The picture is particularly embarrassing but such an accurate representation of what I am dealing with at the moment. There are about 3 shirts that currently fit over that belly that are work appropriate. As much as I would love to wear Andrew's clothes to work, somehow I think that would be frowned upon. Also, I would normally care that my co-workers were seeing me in the same thing all the time, but surprisingly I don't. I realize that I look like a geriatric pairing my oh so lovely tennis shoes with my work pants. I know this looks terrible, I just can't wear any of my shoes anymore and it is too cold for flip flops.

Since I am already subjecting myself to the humiliation, here is a close up of the belly. Andrew commented last night, "it looks fake" and I can see what he means. I feel like I am wearing a Halloween costume or something. No wonder I get the "you're huge" comments and looks of pity all the time.

Nothing else exciting to report. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow to determine the next steps and see if any progression has happened. If nothing has changed from last week we are likely to be scheduled for an induction sometime in the first week of February. The end is at least in sight! Can't wait to meet this little girl!!


1 comment:

  1. I think you look amazing and so Happpy! Can't wait to see pictures of you holding her!



We love Colorado and thought this would be nice to look at...enjoy the view:)