Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stage Fright

My home town...why do I live in Texas again?

This weekend I am heading to my home town in Colorado to attend my dear friend Rene’s wedding. Andrew is staying home since we just got back from NYC and as you know flights are not cheap these days. Rene and I have literally grown up together sharing many fun, meaningful, and hard times. I think one of the reasons I feel so close to her is because she knew and loved my Dad who passed away when we were in High School. He loved her too and always considered her part of the family. It is comforting to have a person who remembers him with me even now who is not technically in our family. Sadly, I only get to see Rene a couple of times a year (if we are lucky), but each time it is as if we were never apart. We do frequently talk on the phone though so that helps. Bottom line, she means a lot to me and I couldn’t be happier about her nuptials to her love named Bob. I think it is fun to type the name Bob especially when referring to a man in his twenties. Just makes me smile….

So of course I agreed without hesitation when Rene asked me to be part of her wedding by singing ‘Come Thou Fount’ in the ceremony. For those reading this who have known me 8 years or less, I used to sing. In High School I was quite the performer in our school’s rendition of Oklahoma and was a valuable asset to the soprano section of the choir. I know what a geek right? To my horror, my mom has the video tape of my Oklahoma performance and gladly showed it to Andrew one Christmas. The fact that she even has a VCR is beyond me. He was highly entertained, although I am certain not impressed.

Back to the issue at hand. After graduation in 2002, I ended my music career and now limit my singing to the car, and at church with everyone. Needless to say, I am very out of practice and feel completely inadequate to be the feature performer at a wedding. Don’t get me wrong, I am honored that Rene has asked me to be part of her special day. I also love the song ‘Come Thou Fount’, and love to sing it. However, I would not be honest if I didn’t confess that I am nervous about how this will go down. To Rene, who never had an ear for music (no offense Rene but you know it is true), will think it is lovely no matter what. I also realize that she did not ask me to sing because she wanted a stellar musical performance, but because she loves me and wanted to include me. As I grow anxious and the day (Sunday) approaches, I am comforted by one thing. I have a sister with TWO degrees in music! Maria has promised to sing with me which will make it A LOT better!! Rene is all for it too as she and Maria are practically sisters.

So tell me to ‘break a leg’ as they say. Maybe it will be more fun than I think since it has been so long. It will also be fun to sing with Maria worshiping the Lord together with Rene and Bob at their wedding. My one request is that Andrew never sees the video!



  1. From the girl who has evidently become the "wedding & funeral singer".... Break a leg!!! You can do it Nathalie! How precious of your friend to ask you to be such a special part of her day. I know it will be great! It may sound cliche, but the heart behind the voice is what matters, so worship the Lord with gladness! There is much peace and joy there.


  2. Break a leg! You'll do great! Look forward to seeing a video of the performance. Also, don't let me forget to burn you a DVD of Andrew's pinata performance!

  3. You will do great! Have fun in the beautiful CO! :)

  4. YOU DID AMAZING!!! and I will make sure I send Andrew the DVD of your Stellar performance. (also...I gladly admit I am clincally tone deaf, horrible singer I am!)



We love Colorado and thought this would be nice to look at...enjoy the view:)