Friday, February 19, 2010

Humbling Generosity

Each morning I pour some vanilla Brown Cow yogurt into a disposable cup add some homemade granola and head out the door. It is a meal I look forward to eating each morning on my way to work. Yesterday I ran out of granola (will be making more this weekend) and somehow left the house this morning forgetting about breakfast all together. It wasn't until I got halfway down the street that my tummy rumbled and I realized I had nothing to eat. This would never do as I am not one of those girls that can skip breakfast and still be functional. Nope I am a believer it is the most important meal of the day! I contemplated turning around, but couldn't think of anything in my pantry to grab on the go. My solution? A quick stop to our local donut shop Zak's would be perfect and a fresh buttermilk donut would hit the spot. Suddenly I had to have one...
Zak's is just what you think about when you think donut shop. It is understated and plain, there is Folgers brewing and a cooler with juice options. There is a little table for those wishing to enjoy their donuts "for here" not "to go", and the cutest Asian family who owns and operates the establishment. Being as it is Friday, there was quite the line when I arrived. A police officer was buying a dozen assorted varieties and it made me chuckle, there were business men in a hurry to get to work...finally it was my turn...
"One Buttermilk please"...the small women put it in the bag..."will be $.70 cent". I told her I didn't have cash but noticed the Visa logo on the door and handed her my card. "No" she said..."four dolla minimun". I must have looked very disappointed and half starved because then she said "you pay next time" and handed me the donut! I looked at her and at first refused but she insisted so I accepted. I let her know I would be back back tomorrow for more donuts and would pay her back.....and I intend to. However, from her perspective, she has no idea if I will really come back or not. She gave freely without expecting anything in is not as if she said "I will only give this to you if you promise to come back and pay me tomorrow." no..she gave me the thing free and kind! Totally made my whole day!
It was encouraging and humbling and reminds me that generosity and serving is just that. Giving without expecting anything in return. How often do I give and expect something back? Even if it is just thank you or acknowledgement for it. I have been reading Colossians this week and am reminded of Chapter 3 verses 23-24: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Thank you Lord for this reminder today from the kind little donut lady.



  1. So sweet Nathalie! And, I too am one of those girls who eats first thing after waking up ;)

  2. Oh I can totally remember a donut shop just like that by where my parents live. My best friends and I used to go once a week before high school to get hot donuts. :)



We love Colorado and thought this would be nice to look at...enjoy the view:)