Thursday, March 17, 2011

Not sure where to start

I finally have a minute to sit and blog and feel overwhelmed by how to communicate all that has happened since I last posted. I guess it would be impossible to share everything we have been through in these weeks, so I will just write and see where I end up.

6 weeks in and we are rounding corners every day it seems. I am feeling less like a fish out of water and more like the new normal which is nice. Julianne is gaining weight and becoming more and more aware of her surroundings. Last week she even smiled at me for the first time and in that moment all of the long days and sleepless nights were so worth it. I love her so much! She can focus and follow things with her eyes now and I like to think she knows I am her mommy. The feedback is welcomed as before all she did was eat, sleep, and poop. Nights are going better too since she is able to go a little bit longer stretches between feedings. Last night she even made it a record 7.5 hours! I checked on her at 6 hours because I was worried we hadn't heard from her but she was snoozing away. I would love it if this became a habit for her, but time will tell....could have been a fluke thing.

I am also gaining confidence in going places alone with Julianne. At first the thought of taking her somewhere was very daunting. It is amazing the planning needed to get us both out the door with all of our gear. However, I seem to be getting better at it and it is becoming easier. Typically our ventures are limited to the grocery store or dry cleaners, but last week we made a trip to the Dallas Arboretum with our new cousin Amelia. My cousin and his wife had a little girl exactly 4 weeks after Julianne came so it has been fun hanging out. Major props to Amelia's momma Michelle who was able to get to the Arboretum with a 1 week old. I barely made it at 5 weeks. Below are some pictures from the day.

turns out the photo opportunities are limited with a sleeping newborn in the stroller.....
 At least she will know she was there that day
 awake for this one...I look odd but she is cute

With that I will end this post. I have a little girl who seems to be fighting her nap. It is humbling that some days naps go great yet other days she just won't go down. Meanwhile I am doing all I can to recreate a good day. Yet another reminder that I am so not in control. 

OK I am really done now. I will try to get back here more regularly so these posts that drone on and on do not become the norm. Thanks for your patience. 


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We love Colorado and thought this would be nice to look at...enjoy the view:)